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Past issues
Authors list
Surikov Igor E.
Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow, Russia
Issue 3 (84) in 2024 year
L. Prandi. Bisanzio prima di Bisanzio: Una città greca fra due continenti. Roma–Bristol, 2020
- 796–806
Issue 2 (84) in 2024 year
M. Marren. Plato and Aristophanes: Comedy, Politics, and the Pursuit of a Just Life. Evanston, 2022
- 492–501
Issue 1 (84) in 2024 year
Aristotle’s Definition of Oligarchy and Oligarchic Regimes in Athens, 5th– 4th Centuries BC
- 55–76
Issue 3 (83) in 2023 year
C. Baron (ed.). The Herodotus Encyclopedia. Vol. I–III. Hoboken (NJ), 2021
- 690–699
Issue 2 (83) in 2023 year
Did the Early Historian Simonides of Ceos Ever Exist?
- 298–312
Issue 4 (83) in 2023 year
A. O. Boulton. Democracy and Empire: The Athenian Invasion of Sicily, 415–413 BCE. Lanham, 2021
- 942–949
Issue 4 (82) in 2022 year
T. Fi g u e i r a, C. S o a r e s (eds.). Ethnicity and Identity in Herodotus. London – New York, 2020.
- 968–976
Issue 3 (82) in 2022 year
Hеllanicus of Lesbos. Fragments. Translation from Ancient Greek and Commentary by I. E. Surikov (Moscow) (the end)
- 761–784
Issue 3 (82) in 2022 year
T. Russell. Byzantium and the Bosporus: A Historical Study, from the Seventh Century BC until the Foundation of Constantinople. Oxford, 2017.
- 741–750
Issue 2 (82) in 2022 year
H e l l a n i c u s o f L e s b o s. Fragments. Translation from Ancient Greek and Commentary by I. E. Surikov (Moscow) (continued)
- 512–533
Issue 2 (82) in 2022 year
Hellanicus and Andocides
- 303–318
Issue 1 (82) in 2022 year
Fragments. Translation from Ancient Greek and Commentary by I. E. Surikov (Moscow) (beginning)
- 231–251
Issue 1 (82) in 2022 year
M. Gagarin. Democratic Law in Classical Athens. Austin, 2020
- 205–212
Issue 3 (81) in 2021 year
Pherecydes of Athens. Histories. Translation from Ancient Greek and Commentary by I. E. Surikov (Moscow) (the end)
- 797–828
Issue 2 (81) in 2021 year
S. Sheehan. A Guide to Reading Herodotus’ Histories. London–New York, 2018
- 520–528
Issue 2 (81) in 2021 year
Pherecydes of Athens. Histories. Translation from Ancient Greek and Commentary by I. E. Surikov(Moscow) (to be continued)
- 539–568
Issue 4 (81) in 2021 year
Towards the Chronology of the Life and Work of the Historian Hellanicus
- 837–862
Issue 3 (80) in 2020 year
Pherecydes of Athens’ Treatise in the Context of Early Classical Greek Historical Writing
- 609–632
Issue 1 (80) in 2020 year
E . B o w i e (ed.). Herodotus – Narrator, Scientist, Historian. Berlin– Boston, 2018
- 248–257
Issue 3 (79) in 2019 year
Themistocles’ Family in Magnesia on the Maeander (A Little-Known Episode from the History of Greek Tyranny)
- 569–585
Issue 2 (79) in 2019 year
B . B o h e n . Kratos & Krater: Reconstructing an Athenian Protohistory. Oxford, 2017.
- 448–452
Issue 1 (79) in 2019 year
D . F. L e ã o , P. J . R h o d e s . The Laws of Solon: A New Edition with Introduction, Translation and Commentary. London–New York, 2016
- 191–199
Issue 1 (78) in 2018 year
A Companion to Greek Architecture. Ed. by M.M. Miles. Malden–Oxford, 2016.
- 122–126
Issue 3 (78) in 2018 year
Phryne Made Naked by Hyperides, or Rhetoric of Gesture in Ancient Athens (Towards the problem of nonverbal elements in the discourse)
- 519–544
Issue 2 (77) in 2017 year
Solon in the Making: The Early Reception in the Fifth and Fourth Centuries. G. Nagy, M. Noussia-Fantuzzi (eds.). Berlin–Boston, 2015
- 441–449
Issue 4 (77) in 2017 year
Brill’s Companion to the Reception of Herodotus in Antiquity and Beyond. Ed. by J. Priestley, V. Zali. Leiden–Boston, 2016
- 1025–1032
Issue 2 (77) in 2017 year
Solon and Greek Intellectuals of the 5th cent. BC: Evidence of Non-existent Sources?
- 277–295
Issue 2 (76) in 2016 year
Hellas and Rome sub specie comparationis (A Companion to Greek Democracy and the Roman Republic / Ed. by D. Hammer. Malden – Oxford, 2015)
- 477–489
Issue 4 (76) in 2016 year
Where Were Solon’s Laws Placed?
- 888–901
Issue 4 (295) in 2015 year
Solon and the East: Collisions of Narrative Tradition
- 104–119
Issue 1 (292) in 2015 year
Antiphon. Speeches. Introduction, Translation from Ancient Greek and Commentaries by I.E. Surikov (Moscow)s (to be continued)
- 228–253
Issue 2 (293) in 2015 year
A n t i p h o n. Speeches. Introduction, Translation from Ancient Greek and Commentaries by I.E. Surikov (Moscow) (to be continued)
- 243–268
Issue 3 (294) in 2015 year
A.A. Z a v o i k i n. Obrazovanie Bosporskogo gosudarstva: Arkheologiya i hronologiya stanovleniya derzhavy Spartokidov (Bosporskiye issledovaniya, Supplementum 10). Simferopol–Kerch, 2013
- 227–235
Issue 3 (294) in 2015 year
A n t i p h o n. Speeches. Introduction, Translation from Ancient Greek and Commentaries by I.E. Surikov (Moscow) (The End)
- 250–261
Issue 3 (290) in 2014 year
S. Mansouri. Athènes vue par ses métèques (Ve –IVe siècle av. J.-C.). Paris: Tallandier, 2011. 187 p.
- 188–195
Issue 2 (289) in 2014 year
The Fate of an Intellectual in Opposition: Antiphon the Athenian – an Orator, a Sophist, a Lawyer, and a Politician
- 13–33
Issue 3 (286) in 2013 year
H. Barta. «Graeca non leguntur»? Zu den Ursprungen des europaischen Rechts im antiken Griechenland. Band II: Archaische Grundlagen. Teil 1–2. Wiesbaden, 2011
- 205–212
Issue 4 (287) in 2013 year
Athens in the Eighth and Seventh Centuries BC: Emergence of an Archaic Polis (The Problem of the Degree of Specificity of the «Attic Way»)
- 23–43
Issue 1 (284) in 2013 year
Some Considerations on an Extinct Strait, the Sindian Bosporus
- 167–176
Issue 2 (281) in 2012 year
Archonship in Athens: from the Origins of the Institution to the Loss of its Political Significance
- 29–54
Issue 3 (282) in 2012 year
V.M. Strogetsky. Stanovlenie istoricheskoj mysli v Drevnej Gretsii i vozniknovenie klassicheskoj grecheskoj istoriografii: Gerodot, Fukidid, Ksenofont. Ch. I. Gerodot. Nizhnij Novgorod, 2010
- 157–166
Issue 1 (276) in 2011 year
G.A. Lehmann. Perikles: Staatsmann und Stratege im klassischen Athen. Eine Biographie. München, 2008
- 195–202
Issue 1 (276) in 2011 year
Arkadii Anatolyevich Molchanov (1947-2010)
- 212–215
Issue 1 (276) in 2011 year
Lycophron. Alexandria. Translation and Commentary by I.E. Surikov. Introduction by A.V. Mosolkin
- 216–233
Issue 2 (277) in 2011 year
H. Barta. «Graeca non leguntur»? Zu den Ursprüngen des europäischen Rechts im antiken Griechenland. Bd. 1. Wiesbaden, 2010
- 190–194
Issue 2 (277) in 2011 year
Lycophron. Alexandria. Translation and Commentary by I.E. Surikov. Introduction by A.V. Mosolkin (The End)
- 234–267
Issue 3 (278) in 2011 year
From Demoteutes to Demagogue (Athenian Trierarchs of the 5th Century BC and Their «Electorate»)
- 30–52
Issue 4 (275) in 2010 year
Did Herodotus and Sophocles Take no Notice of Each Other? (To the Evaluation of a Recent Hypothesis)
- 133–152
Issue 1 (272) in 2010 year
Solon of Athens: New Historical and Philological Approaches / Ed. By J.H. Blok, A.P.M.H. Lardinois. Leiden–Boston, 2006 (Mnemosyne, Suppl. 272)
- 207–214
Issue 1 (268) in 2009 year
A Historian in a Changing World: Evolution of the Image of Corinth in Herodotus’ Histories
- 29–53
Issue 3 (270) in 2009 year
W. Wil l . Der Untergang von Melos. Machtpolitik im Urteil des Thukydides und einiger Zeitgenossen. Bonn, 2006
- 179–184
Issue 2 (265) in 2008 year
Λογογράφοι in Thucydides’ Work (I. 21. 1) And Herodotus (On a Poorly Explored Source of Early Greek Historiography)
- 25–37
Issue 3 (266) in 2008 year
V.V. Stavnyuk. Femistokl i Afini: diyalnist Femistokla v konteksti evolyutsii afinskogo polisa. Kiev, 2004; V.V. Stavnyuk. Stanovlennya afinskogo polisa. Kiev, 2005
- 243–251
Issue 1 (260) in 2007 year
«Несвоевременный» Геродот (эпический прозаик между логографами и Фукидидом)
- 143–151
Issue 3 (262) in 2007 year
Pre-Solonian «Sixth-Patters» and Debt Question in Archaic Athens
- 28–46
Issue 1 (255) in 2006 year
Aristeides «The Just» : a Politician Beyond Factions
- 18–47
Issue 3 (257) in 2006 year
W. Wil l . Thukydides und Perikles. Der Historiker und sein Held. Bonn, 2003 (Antiquitas. Reihe 1. Abhandlungen zur alten Geschichte. Bd. 51)
- 214–220
Issue 2 (253) in 2005 year
Ostrakismos-Testimonien I. Die Zeugnisse antiker Autoren, der Inschriften und Ostraka über das athenische Scherbengericht aus vorhellenistischer Zeit (487–322 v. Chr.) / Hrsg. von P. Siewert. Stuttgart, 2002 (Historia. Einzelschriften. Ht. 102)
- 175–182
Issue 1 (252) in 2005 year
Δημοτευταί: Political Elite of Attic Demes in Early Classical Period {Statement of the Problem)
- 15–33
Issue 3 (254) in 2005 year
Solon in Plutarch: Some Problems of Interpretation of the Source
- 151–161
Issue 1 (248) in 2004 year
Functions of Ostracism and Athenian Political Elite
- 3–30
Issue 2 (245) in 2003 year
Megacle's Ostrakon, the Alcmaeonidae and Eretria (An Epigraphical Evidence for Foreign Relations of Athenian Aristocracy)
- 16–25
Issue 3 (246) in 2003 year
S. Brenne. Ostrakismos und Prominenz in Athen. Attische Bürger des 5. Jhs. v. Chr. auf den Ostraka. Wien, 2001 (Tyche. Supplbd. 3)
- 223–227
Issue 1 (240) in 2002 year
Aeschylus' "Supplicants" and Political Conflict in Athens
- 15–24
Issue 3 (242) in 2002 year
L.F. Pal'tseva. Iz istorii arkhaicheskoj Grestii: Megary i megaskie kolonii. SPb., 1999.
- 212–217
Issue 2 (237) in 2001 year
Political Struggle in Athens in Early 5th c. BC and the First Ostrakophories
- 118–130
Issue 4 (235) in 2000 year
Ariphron’s Name on Ostraka: an Interpretation
- 73–79
Issue 1 (232) in 2000 year
J . Heskel . The North Aegean Wars, 371–360 B.C. Stuttgart, 1997 (Historia. Einzelschriften. Ht. 102)
- 222–226
Issue 1 (228) in 1999 year
The Athenian Agora. Vol. XXVIII. A.L. Boegehold. The Lawcourts at Athens. Sites, Buildings, Equipment, Procedure and Testimonia / With contributions by J.McK. Camp et al. Princeton, 1995
- 220–225
Issue 2 (229) in 1999 year
Historico-Geographical Problems of Pericles’ Pontic Expedition
- 98–114
Issue 4 (223) in 1997 year
Pericles and the Alcmaeonidae
- 14–35
Issue 1 (220) in 1997 year
The Archeology of Athens and Attica under the Democracy. Proceedings of an International Conference celebrating 2500 years since the birth of democracy in Greece, held at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, December 4-6, 1992. Ed. W.D.E. Coulson, O. Palagia, T.L. Shear. H.A. Shapiro, F.J. Frost. Oxford, 1994.
- 232–237
Issue 2 (217) in 1996 year
A propos of a New Publication of Ostraka
- 143–146
Issue 4 (219) in 1996 year
The New Conception of the Athenian History of the 4th Century B.C. (Die Athenische Demokratie im 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr.: Vollendung oder Verfall einer Verfassungsform? Akten eines Symposiums 3–7. August 1992. Bellagio / Hrsg. von W. Eder. Stuttgart, 1995)
- 235–245
Issue 3 (218) in 1996 year
Е. Badian. From Plataea to Potidaea. Studies in the History and Historiography of the Pentecontaetia. Baltimore–London, 1993
- 197–201
Issue 1 (212) in 1995 year
The Athenian Areopagos in the First Half of the Vth Century B.C.
- 23–40
Issue 4 (215) in 1995 year
Aristote et Athènes / Aristoteles and Athens. Fribourg (Suisse), 23–25 mai 1991. Séminaire d’histoire ancienne de l’Université de Fribourg / Etudes rassemblées par M. Piérart. P., 1993
- 209–212
Issue 1 (208) in 1994 year
V.M. Strogetsky. Polis i imperia v klassicheskoi Grezii. Nizhnii Novgorod, 1991.
- 215–219