The Fate of an Intellectual in Opposition: Antiphon the Athenian – an Orator, a Sophist, a Lawyer, and a Politician

Surikov Igor E.

Antiphon was a major figure in cultural and political life of his time (the second half of the fifth century BC), and a wrongly neglected one. The article deals with the following problems connected with his personality and activities: his role and significance in the development of such intellectual spheres as philosophy (he was a participant in the Sophistic movement), rhetorical theory and practice (he was a teacher and the first judicial logographer) and science of law; the identity of Antiphon (the author is a consistent adherent of the unitarian view); evolution of his political position. As to the latter question, it is stated in the article that Antiphon was never an advocate of democracy of Periclean (a fortiori post-Periclean) type; rather he was always its opponent, but eventually he progressed in that direction, becoming a resolute Laconophile and – the further the more – an active oppositionist to the existing democratic regime. The result is well known: a short triumph of Antiphon as one of the leaders of the 411 BC antidemocratic coup, and, in the very short run, the end of the «Four Hundred» oligarchy, condemnation and execution of Antiphon. It is necessary to add that in any case Antiphon was not a «conservative» – for the democrats were «conservatives» at that time – but a subversive revolutionary. Equally revolutionary was he in the field of philosophical thought.

Keywords: Classical Athens, Antiphon, the Sophistic movement, rhetoric, science of law, political struggle, democracy, oligarchic opposition.
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