Athens in the Eighth and Seventh Centuries BC: Emergence of an Archaic Polis (The Problem of the Degree of Specificity of the «Attic Way»)

Surikov Igor E.

The Archaic period was crucial for the development of Greek statehood. Quite right is A. Snodgrass when he speaks of two «Archaic revolutions», one of them close to the beginning and the other to the end of the period. One might add that in the course of the first revolution the Archaic type of polis emerged, and in the course of the second one it changed (in some regions) to the Classical type. As to Athens, according to one influential modern view (I. Morris and his followers), in that state there was no polis at all during the seventh century. Such a development, regressive in its character, would have been unique. The main task of this paper is to demonstrate that the opinion in question is a mistake. The evolution of the Athenian state during the Archaic period was in principle quite normal and not very different from what took place in other major Greek centers.

Keywords: Athens, polis, Archaic period, political development, egalitarianism, hypercriticism.
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