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Bukharin Mikhail D.
Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow, Russia
Issue 2 (81) in 2021 year
С. А. Жебелёв в системе советской науки (по материалам архивных документов). Часть IV. С. А. Жебелёв – заслуженный деятель науки РСФСР
- 491–508
Issue 1 (81) in 2021 year
S. A. Zhebelev in the System of Soviet Science (Based on New Archival Findings). Part III. 1932–1940
- 198–210
Issue 1 (80) in 2020 year
Berenice Panchrysos – Al-Allaqi–Deraheib: Archaeological Reality in the Light of Historical Geography
- 171–191
Issue 1 (80) in 2020 year
Agatharchides of Cnidus. On the Erythraean Sea. Translation from Greek and Latin and Commentary by M.D. Bukharin(Moscow)(The End)
- 270–298
Issue 2 (80) in 2020 year
S.A. Zhebelev in the System of Soviet Science (Based on New Archival Findings). Part I. 1913–1927
- 497–520
Issue 3 (80) in 2020 year
S.A. Zhebelev in the System of Soviet Science (Based on New Archival Findings). Part II. 1927–1932
- 753–774
Issue 3 (80) in 2020 year
N. N e b e s. Der Tatenbericht des Yiṯa‘’amar Watar bin Yakrubmalik aus Ṣirwāḥ(Jemen). Zur Geschichte Südarabiens im frühen 1. Jahrtausend vor Christus. Mit einem archäologischen Beitrag von Iris Gerlach und Mike Schnelle. Tübingen–Berlin, 2016
- 786–790
Issue 4 (79) in 2019 year
On the Erythraean Sea. Translation from Greek and Latin and Commentary by M.D. Bukharin (Moscow) (to be ended)
- 1069–1080
Issue 4 (79) in 2019 year
Theory and Practice of Museum Work in S.F. Oldenburg’s Activities
- 1022–1039
Issue 3 (79) in 2019 year
Agatharchides of Cnidus. On the Erythraean Sea. Translation from Greek and Latin and Commentary by M.D. Bukharin (Moscow) (to be continued)
- 823–842
Issue 1 (79) in 2019 year
Исследование пещерно-храмовых комплексов Туюк-мазар и Безеклик Второй русской туркестанской экспедицией в 1915 г. (по материалам записных книжек С.Ф. Ольденбурга)
- 121–135
Issue 4 (78) in 2018 year
V.V. Struve and the Institute of the History of Arts (Towards the History of the Hypothesis of Social Revolution in Ancient Egypt)
- 970–987
Issue 3 (78) in 2018 year
S . A . Z h e b e l y e v . Russkoe arkheologicheskoe obshchestvo za tret’yu chetvert’ svoego sushchestvovaniya: 1897–1921. Istoricheskiy ocherk. Biobibliograficheskiy slovar’ chlenov RAO (1846–1924)/ Sost. i otv. red. I.V. Tunkina. М., 2017
- 731–737
Issue 2 (78) in 2018 year
Agatharchides of Cnidus. On the Erythraean Sea. Introduction, translation and commentary by M.D. Bukharin (Moscow) (to be continued)
- 462–490
Issue 4 (77) in 2017 year
Political Map of South Arabia in Ancient Geography and Epigraphy of the Hellenistic Period
- 870–886
Issue 2 (77) in 2017 year
“I am going to fight to my last breath” (Letters of A. von Lecoq to S.F. Oldenburg)
- 430–440
Issue 4 (76) in 2016 year
C. Dreyer. Abenteuer Seidenstrasse. Die Berliner Turfan-Expeditionen 1902–1914. Leipzig, 2015
- 1049–1052
Issue 3 (76) in 2016 year
S.A. Frantsouzoff. Istoriya Khadramauta v epokhu drevnosti. SPb., 2014
- 785–801
Issue 3 (294) in 2015 year
“Ich bin jetzt in derselben Lage, wie Sie…” (From the Correspondence between the Heads of the Russian and Berlin Turfan Committees)
- 195–208
Issue 1 (292) in 2015 year
Manuscript Tradition of Geographi Graeci Minores (Codices A and B)
- 37–59
Issue 1 (288) in 2014 year
The «Periplus of the Erythraean Sea» and the Classical Cartography
- 46–60
Issue 3 (290) in 2014 year
New Documents for the History of the Study of Eastern Turkestan
- 163–183
Issue 3 (282) in 2012 year
The Description of Nabataea in the «Periplus of the Erythraean Sea» (Towards the Definition of the Genre of the Source)
- 3–28
Issue 3 (278) in 2011 year
The Apostolic Mission of Theophilos the Indian
- 174–191
Issue 1 (272) in 2010 year
International Conference "World in Antiquity" Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Georgy Bongard-Levin (Moscow, September 24-26, 2009)
- 230–236
Issue 2 (272) in 2010 year
A New Latin Inscription from the South Arabia (Classical Historical Geography and Roman Law in the light of the New Epigraphical Document)
- 114–137
Issue 3 (270) in 2009 year
The Origin of the Notion of the «Red Sea»
- 46–62
Issue 3 (266) in 2008 year
Recent Publications on History and Philology of Ancient South Arabia
- 235–242
Issue 1 (260) in 2007 year
Древнейший путеводитель по Аравии (Plin. NH. VI. 157– 159)
- 76–99
Issue 4 (263) in 2007 year
History of Ancient South Arabia (Arabia. Revue de sabéologie. Rivista di sabeologia. № 2. Aix-en- Provence–Roma, 2004)
- 192–205
Issue 3 (257) in 2006 year
Authorship and Dating of the Inscription Monumentum Adulitanum II (OGIS 199 = RIE 277)
- 3–13
Issue 4 (258) in 2006 year
An Important Contribution to Ancient Arabian Studies (Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions I-III. Qatabanic, Marginal Qatabanic, Awsanitic Inscriptions / Ed. A. Avanzini. Pisa, 2004)
- 186–196
Issue 3 (254) in 2005 year
The Fifth Volume of the "Inventaire des Inscriptions Sudarabiques" (S. Frantsousoff. Raybūn. Hadrān, temple de la déesse ‘Atharum/‘Aśtarum / Avec une contribution archéologique d’A. Sedov. Fasc. A. Les documents; Fasc. B. Les planches). Paris–Rome, 2001
- 278–285
Issue 2 (249) in 2004 year
E. De la Vai ssière. Histoire des marchands sogdiens. P., 2002 (Bibliothèque de l’Institut des Hautes études chinoises. XXXII)
- 224–228
Issue 1 (244) in 2003 year
Mediterranian-South Asian Trade in the 3rd Century
- 36–43
Issue 2 (245) in 2003 year
New Books on the History of Ancient and Mediaeval South Asia. D.P.M. Weerakkody. Taprobanē. Ancient Sri Lanka as Known to Greeks and Romans. Turnhout, 1997; Origin and Circulation of Foreign Coins in the Indian Ocean / Ed. O. Bopearachchi and D.P.M. Weerakko
- 225–232
Issue 4 (239) in 2001 year
Early Indian Royal Dynasties in the Epic, Puranic and Classical Traditions
- 88–103
Issue 2 (233) in 2000 year
Early Hellenistic Horographers: Megasthenes, Hekataios of Abdera and Berossos
- 88–100
Issue 3 (230) in 1999 year
Mediterranean Contacts with India in the Modern Historiography (Crossings. Early Mediterranean Contacts with India / Ed. F. de Romanis, A. Tchernia. New Dehli, 1997)
- 208–215
Issue 3 (226) in 1998 year
Athens, Aden, Arikamedu. Essays on the Interrelations between India, Arabia and the Eastern Mediterranean. Ed. by M.-F. Boussac and J.-F. Salles. New Delhi, 1995; Tradition and Archeology. Early Maritime Contacts in the Indian Ocean. Ed. H.P. Ray and J.-F. Salles. New Dehli, 1996.
- 222–228
Issue 1 (224) in 1998 year
“The Sacred and the Untouchable”
- 72–77
Issue 3 (222) in 1997 year
The Description of the Indian State in Megasthenes' Indika
- 138–149