Political Map of South Arabia in Ancient Geography and Epigraphy of the Hellenistic Period

Bukharin Mikhail D.

The article presents an analysis of the information of Hellenistic geographers Eratosthenes of Cyrene and Agatharchides of Knidos on the political situation in South-Western Arabia in the 4th–2nd cent. B. C. The following hypothesis is put forward: Agatharchides’ account of the state of Sabaeans with the capital in Sabas corresponds not to the state of Saba’ with the capital in Mārib, but to Ma‘fir with the capital in Sawwē (ŚWM).

Keywords: Eratosthenes of Cyrene, Agatharchides of Knidos, South-Western Arabia, Hellenistic geography, Saba’, Ma‘fir, Sawwē

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