S. A. Zhebelev in the System of Soviet Science (Based on New Archival Findings). Part III. 1932–1940

Ananiev Vitaliy G., Bukharin Mikhail D.

By the beginning of the 1930s the relations of S. A. Zhebelev with the Soviet State had endured a serious crisis during the so-called “case of the academicians”. Zhebelev, not having accepted either Marxist historical doctrine, or the “new linguistic teaching”, thus became distant from both his colleagues and from the heads of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and GAIMK, S. F. Oldenburg and N. Ya. Marr. S. A. Zhebelev’s works at the beginning of the 1930s on the interpretation of the Chersonesitan decree in honour of Diophantus (IOSPE I 2 352), however, unexpectedly answered the needs of the Soviet historical research and radically changed Zhebelev’s position. The article based on a significant range of archival sources analyzes the circumstances of the historian’s gradual entry into the сircle of classics of the Soviet ancient historical studies.

Keywords: ancient history, Classical studies, science history, archives, S. A. Zhebelev, S. Ya. Luria, A. I. Boltunova, M. I. Maximova, scientific institutes, Academy of Sciences of the USSR

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