S.A. Zhebelev in the System of Soviet Science (Based on New Archival Findings). Part II. 1927–1932

Ananiev Vitaliy G., Bukharin Mikhail D.

The period from 1927 to 1932 was the most difficult in S.A. Zhebelev’s biography. The elections of full members of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1927 were accompanied by the struggle of two groups within the Academy of Sciences: opponents of Zhebelev’s election and his supporters. The first claimed that Zhebelev violated the norms of academic ethics and tarnished his name with plagiarism. Others believed that the allegations were not made on serious grounds. After his election, academician S.A. Zhebelev had to come through another, even harder campaign which nearly led to his expulsion from the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. By 1932 Zhebelev became disillusioned with the possibility of scholarly activity in Soviet realities and directed his energies towards summing up the results of his life and studies.

Keywords: ancient history, Classical studies, science history, archives, S.A. Zhebelev, N.Ya. Marr, S.Ya. Luria, A.I. Boltunova, M.I. Maximova, scientific institutes, Academy of Sciences of the USSR

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