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Вестник древней истории 3 (129)
Issue 3 (129) in 1974 year
Yusifov Yu. B.
The Order of Succession to the Throne in Elam
- 3–19
Irmsher Iogannes
Friedrich August Wolf, Founder of the Science of Classical Antiquity
- 20–33
Shtaerman Ye. М.
Roman Property in Land
- 34–68
Kuzishchin Vasily I.
The Concept "Socio-Economic Formation" and the Periodisation of Ancient Slave Society
- 69–87
Kakhidze A. Yu.
Imported Coins from a Grave in Pichvnari
- 88–92
Khodza Elena N.
Representation of the Dionysiac Mysteries in Roman Art
- 93–106
Amussin I. D.
Academician A.I. Tyumenev, Historian of the Ancient World
- 107–114
Borovsky Yakov M.
Academician Ivan Ivanovich Tolstoi
- 114–123
Pugachenkova G. А.
Archaeological Light on Bactrian Cults
- 124–135
Kon I. S.
The Idea of Friendship in Ancient Greece
- 135–149
Sergeyenko M. Ye.
Virgil's Georgics as an Agricultural Treatise
- 150–155
Bogoslovsky Evgeny S.
The Vocalisation of Proper Names in Modern Egyptology
- 155–161
Korostovtsev M. А.
Once More on the Vocalisation of Egyptian Proper Names
- 162–165
Zhigunin V. D.
Shofman A. S.
Yu. S. Krushkol, Drevnyaya Sindika, Moscow, 1971.
- 166–168
Dandamayev Magomed A.
C. Nуlander. Ionians in Pasargadae. Uppsala, 1970
- 168–171
Masson Vadim M.
R. McAdams, H.J. Nissen. The Uruk Countryside. The Natural Setting of Urban Societies. Chicago–London, 1972
- 171–174
Weinberg I. P.
Hommages à André Dupont-Sommer. P., 1971
- 174–183
Khazanov А. M.
Scythian Society in the Works of G. Dumézil
- 183–192
Strogetsky Vladimir M.
Р. Oliva. Sparta and her social problems. Prague, 1971
- 192–201
Kolosovskaya Yulia K.
L. Barkóczi, А. Mócsy. Die römischen Inschriften Ungarns (RIU. I). Budapest, 1972
- 201–202
Semper N. Ye.
New Foreign Literature on Egyptology (Bibliographical survey)
- 202–221
Jailenko V. P.
All Union Scientific Session on Field Work in Archaeology and Ethnography in 1972
- 222–234
Gasparov Mikhail L.
Pindar, Odes. Selected Fragments. Translation and Commentary by M.L. Gasparov (Moscow)
- 235–253