Some Remarks on Mahābhāṣya

Vigasin Alexei A.

The article is devoted to the classical monument of ancient Indian linguistics – Patañjali’s commentary on the Sanskrit grammar by Pāṇini. The author is inclined to date Pāṇini to the turn of the 4th–3rd centuries BC. Frequently cited arguments for dating Patañjali to the mid-second century BC do not seem convincing. The mention of the campaign of the Graeco-Bactrian king in the Ganges valley is nothing more than a terminus post quem. There is а reason to think that Mahābhāṣya was written no earlier than the beginning of the Common Era. Particular attention in the article is paid to the interpretation of the passage in which the Mauryan dynasty is mentioned. The words about the Mauryas, who make images of the gods for the purpose of profit, indicate Patañjali’s familiarity with the cycle of legends about Cāṇakya and Candragupta if not with the literary tradition reflected in the Arthaśāstra.

Keywords: Pāṇini, Patañjali, Mauryan dynasty, chronology, images of the gods

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