A New Inscription from the Settlement of Kamennaya Batareïka (Asiatic Bosporus)

Ivantchik Askold I.

This article is a publication of a funeral inscription on a stele that was discovered in 2015 at the rural settlement of Kamennaya Batareïka (Asiatic Bosporus). The stele has been reused – the relief from the first use has been destroyed and the inscription is on the reverse side. The tombstone was placed for Apollonios, son of Ompsalakos, by his brother Patasys. The article analyzes the names mentioned in the inscription, Ομψαλακος (Sarmatian name) and Πατασυς (Egyptian name). Ompsalakos’ family must have been of Sarmatian origin, but in the second or third century, when the inscription was made, it was strongly Hellenized. The inscription supplements the available data on the presence of an element of Sarmatian origin in the Greek population of the Bosporus, including its rural area.

Keywords: Northern Black Sea region, Bosporus, Kamennaya Batareïka, epigraphy, Sarmatians

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