The Cult of the Monk Paphnutius in Late Ancient Egypt

Voytenko Anton A.

The article is devoted to the study of the veneration of the monk Paphnutius in Late Ancient Egypt. The author comes to the conclusion that two monks with this name were venerated in Egypt at that time: the abbot of the monastery of Tabennese and a monk, who was considered as the author of the Life of St. Onnophrius. Neither tradition, however, is attested by any late antique hagiographic narrative. The veneration of abbot of Tabennese was later lost, and the tradition of the ‘author’ of the Life of St. Onnophrius acquired a certain hagiographic narrative and a place (the monastery of Ash-Shamaʼ), with which this saint began to be associated.

Keywords: Paphnutius the monk, Paphnutius the martyr, St. Onnophrius the Great, Egyptian monasticism, the cult of saints in late Antiquity

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