Unknown Pages of Ancient Chinese Historiography:Shu jing Translation by Archimandrite Daniil (1798–1871)

Stezhenskaya Lidiya V.

Shu jing or The Book of Historical Documents which includes various orations of the ancient Chinese rulers and their advisers, presumably recorded at the end of the second – end of the first millennium BC, is the most important written monument of ancient Chinese history and political thought. The first Latin translation of the book (not extant now) appeared in the seventeenth century, and the majority of translations were produced in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Archimandrite Daniil (Dmitriy Petrovich Sivillov, 1798–1871) was the first Russian translator of the complete text of Shu jing. The article discusses the place of Sivillov’s translation in the European Shu jing translating tradition, clarifies its date, and presents some features of the translator's method. A publication of Fr. Daniil’s translation manuscript along with the already published unfinished manuscript translation by Fr. Hyacinth (N.Ya. Bichurin, 1777–1853) would establish the place of the Russian Orthodox version of the Shu jing translation alongside the French Jesuit and English Protestant translations. A previously unpublished Fr. Daniil’s Russian translation of Chapter 55–26 of Shu jing is included into the article.

Keywords: D.P. Sivillov (1798–1871), Archimandrite Daniil, China, The Book of Documents, Shu jing, Shang shu

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