City and Monastery: Stories of Food Donation from Vinaya-Piṭaka (Suttavibhaṅga andMahāvagga)

Aleksandrova Natalia V., Rusanov Maksim A.

The compendium of rules of conduct for Buddhist monks and nuns known as Vinaya contains a series of stories about ascetics who relied on alms to survive. These stories present a variety of everyday situations that reflect the relations between the ancient Indian monastic community and surrounding society. The article attempts to identify the problems causing concern to the compilers of Vinaya-piṭaka and to show how various relationships between city and monastery contributed to the formation of a new social hierarchy. Such an interest was manifested particularly in the urban environment because the lack of overlap between social status and material well-being was most sharply felt in that milieu.

Keywords: Buddhism, Pāli Canon, Vinaya-piṭaka, ancient Indian city, Buddhist monastic community

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