A Hymn to Dionysus of the 6 th –5 th Centuries BC from Panticapaeum

Kazansky Nikolai N.

The article discusses the Greek graffito fragment from Mount Mithridat near Panticapaeum on an attic kylix (type C) dating from the early fifth century BC, discovered in August 2016 by the archaeological expedition of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, directed by V.P. Tolstikov. This fragment, now in the Eastern-Crimean Historical and Cultural MuseumPreserve (М-2016, оп. № 221), was first published by F.V. Shelov-Kovedyaev in 2018 with the subtitle “Hymn to Dionysos from Panticapaeum”. A comparison with the Greek hymnic tradition shows that the two lines of the fragment must be hexameters, and that the text may be interpreted as one of the earliest Orphic Hymns. A new reconstruction of the text is offered in the paper.

Keywords: hymn, graffito from the Northern Black Sea region

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