The Roman See and the Eastern Churches in the Conflict Around St. John Chrysostom

Zakharov Georgiy E.

The article is devoted to the relationship between the Roman see and the Eastern Churches during the crisis caused by the deposition of St. John Chrysostom from the see of Constantinople (404). The author correlates the positions and actions of different parties with models of relations between the Roman see and the Eastern Churches, which had taken shape during the Arian controversy of the fourth century. Theophilus of Alexandria and his supporters interpreted the conflict as an internal affair of the Eastern episcopate, which demonstrates their closeness to the Eusebian tradition. At the same time, unlike the Eusebians, they sought to avoid a direct break with the Western Churches. The Roman see, during both the Arian controversy and the conflict around St. John Chrysostom, insisted on the general church consensus in the question of deposition of bishops occupying the most important sees. St. John Chrysostom, the same as St. Athanasius the Great, was not guided in his actions by any obvious ecclesiological model. He made an appeal to the Western episcopate only when he lost hope of resolving the controversy within the East.

Keywords: St. John Chrysostom, Theophilus of Alexandria, Pope Innocent I, Rome, Constantinople, church parties, church councils

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