A Pectoral from Kosika

Treister Mikhail Yu.

The article is devoted to the gold pectoral found in the destroyed burial no. 1/1984 in the Lower Volga region near the village of Kosika, dating from the third quarter of the first century BC. Based on the visual examination of the pectoral in 2015, an attempt is made to recreate its history: to determine the time of its creation – no later than the first half of the fifth century BC; of its repair and alteration – in the late fifth / the first third of fourth century BC; as well as to explain how this unique object of Scythian culture of the Northern Black Sea region, the insignia of the royal power and one of the most ancient examples of torment scenes that stood at the origins of the Greco-Scythian style in toreutics, found its way into a much later (at least 300 years after its alteration) burial of a representative of the highest Sarmatian elite.

Keywords: pectorals, nomads, Greco-Scythian animal style, scenes of animal combat, Scythians, Sarmatians, North Pontic area, Bosporan Kingdom, Kosika, Lower Volga area

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