Shang Dynasty Hou-Lords: the Case of Hou Bao in the Oracle Bone Inscriptions (13th–11th cent. BC)

Safin Timur A.

Bao (Leopard) was the hou-lord of (unknown character) (reading unknown). His domain presumably belonged to the south-west fringes of the Shang state (at the meeting point of the modern Henan and Shaanxi provinces). Consensus hasn’t been reached yet on the Shang period hou-lord’s authority: it could be either an appointed officer, or a dependent ruler of somewhat autonomous state, who was enfeoffed by the king or simply submitted to him. Neither of versions can be completely disproved due to the data scarcity, but the case of hou Bao seems to agree better with the latter interpretation: in the oracle bone inscriptions hou Bao plays the role of the Shang king’s loyal ally and vassal, but his domain must have enjoyed considerable level of autonomy from the central government.

Keywords: Ancient China, Shang dynasty, oracle bone inscriptions, chinese nobility, feudalism

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