ТО ΚΟΙΝΟΝ ΤΩΝ ΠΟΝΤΟΥ ΠΟΛΙΩΝ в южном Причерноморье

Saprykin Sergey Yu.

The article is devoted to the so-called Commonality of Pontus, which united the Greek cities on the southern coast of the Black Sea, to its relations with the North and West Black Sea Coast, as well as to the reasons of turning Amastris, Heraclea Pontica, Amasea, Neocaesarea into its metropoleis – capital cities of the Commonality. It was initially created in the Roman province of Bithynia–Pontus in the age of Augustus and incorporated the poleis of the Pontic part of the province. Amastris was its capital at that time. Under the Flavians and during the early years of Trajan the Commonality was subjected to the provincial administration of Bithynia–Pontus. Later on, the Pontic koinon with Heraclea as its capital got more autonomy, and under Adrian’s rule appeared to be nominally independent, though remained under the Roman control. After the creation of non-administrative Pontus Mediterraneus and the merging of provinces Galatia and Cappadocia, the Commonality of Pontus became a large koinon which included coastal cities in the Pontic eparcheia of Bithynia–Pontus, Pontus Galaticus and Pontus Cappadocicus, with Amasea and Neocaesarea as capitals. In the Severan period the former integrated union was divided between the Commonality of poleis in Pontus Galaticus with Amasea at the head, joined by the coastal cities of the Pontic eparcheia as a part of Bithynia–Pontus, and the Commonality of cities in Pontus Polemonianus with Neocaesarea as metropoly. When in AD 230 a new province of Pontus was created, a unified koinon of Pontus was formed too. It united the poleis of Pontus Polemonianus, headed by Neocaesarea, the former Pontus Galaticus along with the Greek centers of the Pontic eparcheia in the province of Bithynia–Pontus (separated from the koinon of Bithynian cities). Neocaesarea sometimes shared the functions of the capital with Heraclea Pontica. The union of Pontic cities was a nonadministrative body, formed by poleis from different eparchies and provinces known as “Pontus” or “Pontic”, because they consisted of regions which earlier had been part of the Pontic kingdom. This Commonality was functioning until the end of the third quarter of the third century AD.

Keywords: Roman empire, koinon Pontus, Bithynia–Pontus, pontarсhes, the highest priest of Pontus, Amastris , Sinope, Heraclea Pontica, metropoly, neokoroi, protea

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