A New Dedication of Strategoi from Olbia and the Problem of the City’s Restoration after Its Destruction by the Getae

Ivantchik Askold I.

The paper is devoted to the publication of an inscription found during the excavations in Olbia in 2006. The text belongs to the series of dedications of city magistrates well known in Olbia of the Roman period. The inscription is the earliest one from this series and dates between 1 BC and AD 4. Unlike other inscriptions of this type, it is dedicated to members of the Julian dynasty and to the demos. It is also the earliest known inscription of the city after it was restored following its destruction by Burebistas, probably with the help of the Romans. The inscription gives important new information about the relations between Olbia and Rome, as well as between Olbia and its barbarian neighbours in the end of the first century BC and the beginning of the first century AD.

Keywords: North Black Sea region, Olbia, Rome, Sarmatians, Getae, Burebistas, strategoi

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