Sero sapivnt Phryges: the Image of the Phrygians in Classical Literature

Andreeva Evgeniia N.

The paper deals with the image of the Phrygians as presented by the ancient authors and points to its two main traits in the classical literature: the Phrygians’ cowardice and ‘natural inclination’ towards servile status. The author of the article suggests that both characteristics can be found mostly in certain genres of literature (i.e. drama, poetry and orations) and are closely connected to the tradition that identifies Phrygians with Trojans. The inherent duality of the discussed image is also examined, as well as the similarities and differences in ancient perception of the Phrygians and other peoples of Asia Minor.

Keywords: Phrygia, image of the ‘other’, Greek and Roman literature, ancient drama, rhetorics

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