Marcus Licinius Crassus and the Transpadani: nimium parcus in largienda civitate?

Lyubimova Olga V.

An attempt is made in the article to reconcile Cicero’s characteristic of Crassus as too sparing in admitting men as citizens (Balb. 50) with the prevalent opinion of researchers according to which Crassus tried to grant Roman citizenship to Transpadani during his censorship in 65 BC. The author argues that the statement of Cicero resulted from Crassus’ backing of lex Papia, also in 65 BC; the law was directed against those peregrini who were sojourning in Rome or had illegally assumed Roman citizenship, but which made a favorable exception for Transpadani. Cicero’s statement should be regarded as the continuation of debates during the trial of Balbus who was tried by the jury-court created by the lex Papia and was defended by Crassus along with Cicero.

Keywords: Marcus Licinius Crassus, Quintus Lutatius Catulus, Transpadani, Cisalpine Gaul, Roman citizenship, fictitious Latin colonies, Pompeius Strabo, censorship, lex Papia

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