On the Date of Origin of Tabula Peutingeriana

Podossinov Alexandr V.

This paper examines the thesis of Michael Rathmann about the Hellenistic origin of the ‘Ur-Tabula’ Peutingeriana. It is clear that many elements of the map are similar to the geographical ideas of Hellenistic geographers and obviously go back to them, but such is the fate of the entire Roman geography: nourished by Greek science, it did not introduce anything new in principle, adding only a lot of new concrete material as a result of Roman expansion to the new territories. But this influence does not necessarily indicate that the maps created after the Hellenistic time should only reproduce the Greek samples. This article analyzes the material from the Tabula Peutingeriana that belongs to Eastern Europe: many of its elements and a large part of the nomenclature prove that it originated at the time of Agrippa.

Keywords: Tabula Peutingeriana, Hellenistic origin, Agrippa’s world map, Eastern Europe

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