The Lexeme dbj as a Designation for the Troops of Sherden Mercenaries in the Egyptian New Kingdom Army

Safronov Alexander V.

The lexeme dbj occurs several times in New Kingdom texts. Its meaning is usually defined by the Ancient Egyptian dictionaries and lexicographic works as «army, troops». In the author’s opinion, this meaning is too broad and indefinite for the word. Analyzing New Kingdom contexts where it is used he comes to the conclusion that it meant «the troops of foreign mercenaries» who served in the Egyptian army. Their ethnic origin can be identified by the unusual determinative accompanying it in the inscription of the 5th year of Ramses III’s reign from Medinet Habu. This determinative shows a warrior in the horned helmet. Such helmets were typical headgears of Sherden warriors.

Keywords: Sea Peoples, Egypt, Sherden, mercenaries, New Kingdom.
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