The Cycles of Egyptian History and the Three tomoi of Manetho’s Aegyptiaka (I)

Ladynin Ivan A.

The aim of the paper is to propose an interpretation of the concept behind Manetho’s treatise on Egyptian history (fi rst half of the 3rd century BC). The present starting part of the article is intended to give necessary general observations on the Egyptian ideas of evolution of the world’s (in particular the absence of cardinal difference between the mythological time and the real history) and its cycles, about the large historical periods refl ected in the Egyptian narrative tradition (in the Royal Canon of Turin, in the literary texts refl ecting the events of the First Intermediate Period etc.). Reasons are given to consider that the evidence of the Classical authors (especially Josephus Flavius) and Christian chronographers connected with the name of Manetho was in accordance with his original concept.

Keywords: Egypt, Hellenism, Manetho of Sebennytos, historiography, historical cycles, schemes, dynasties, kings, Egyptian tradition, chronographers, Josephus Flavius

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