To the Localization of Gala of Mukanna’ (Preliminary Report)

Abdullaev Kazim, Khushvaktov Nabi

The article concerns the issue of localization of the fortress of Muqanna’, the leader of anti-Arab movement in the 8th century AD. The castle mentioned in various Arabic and Persian sources has not been found yet. On the basis of the archaeological exploration of the northern spurs of the Hissar ridge, the authors found enclosed within a stone wall an area situated on a hilltop, having the form of a well-fortified fortress. It is assumed that the leader of the movement lived there together with his wives until his death. Other geographical and historical points mentioned in the written sources are also localized.

Keywords: Central Asia, Transoxiana, Qashqadaryo, Kesh, Qala of Al-Muqanna‛, Narshakhi, al-Kharashi.
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