The Altar from the Temple of Amun at the Bahariya Oasis with the Egyptian Royal Names of Alexander the Great. II. Interpretation and Dating

Ladynin Ivan A.

This is the second part of the study devoted to an object that bears the hieroglyphic inscription with the unique Pharaonic titulature of Alexander the Great containing all the five traditional names. Alexander’s names on the artifact are different from those found on his Egyptian monuments (the latter showing not more than three of them), their major theme being his world dominance. Especially significant is the Horus’ name HoA HoAw nw tA (r) Dr.f («Lord of lords of the earth (to) its limits») indicating, as it seems, his succession to the Achaememids (cf. their traditional title «King of kings»). The author argues that there are no indisputable reasons to date the artifact to the reign of Alexander (F. Bosch-Puche’s arguments founded on the paleography of the Greek inscription on the artifact are weak); rather, it was erected under the early Ptolemies in order to show their succession to Alexander and to highlight his «Egyptian mythology» shaped around the famous episode in the Siwa Oasis.

Keywords: Alexander the Great, Bahariya, royal names, continuity, Achaemenians, world power, Ptolemies, ideology
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