The fragment was brought to Europe by Prisse d''Avennes, and later VS. Golenischev bought it for his collection, which is now in the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (№ I, 1a 5316). The composition of the fragment (85*44 cm) consists of two registers. The central scene of the upper register includes three participants: Osiris in а mummy-form sitting on a throne, the goddess Isis and the deceased who makes a libation over the small offering table. Seven columns of hieroglyphic text placed between Osiris and the deceased contain the name (Petekhonsu son of Khonsumes) and the title of the deceased. In the lower register the main motifs are duality and symmetry of the elements about the central axis. The shape of the preserved fragment and its decorations make the author conclude that this is the middle part of the bottom of the coffin, from shoulders to knees. The delicate and elegant style of this coffin has Ramesside reminiscencese. It can be defined as type 4-b and dated to the 22nd Dynasty (Osorkon I).