Two New-Found Ancient Vineyards in North-Western Crimea

Kutaisov Vadim A., Smekalova Tatyana N.

Before recently, the only known isolated ancient plot of arable land in Western Crimea was that on the Promontory of Oirat, studied by A.N. Shcheglov in 1960s and re-examined in recent years by means of new technologies and methods. A complex archaeological exploration of the north-eastern cost of the Lake Sasyk-Sivash near Eupatoria in 2012 discovered numerous settlements, kurgans and traces of agricultural activities of the Bronze and Early Iron Age. Of special interest are four farmsteads of the Chersonesus type, two of them with rectangular plots, which served as vineyards. This paper describes these two monuments of the earlier period of viticulture and wine-making in a remote part of Chersonesus’ chora in North-Western Crimea.

Keywords: North-Easren Crimea, Sasyk-Sivash, Kerkinitis, Chersonesus Taurica, ancient agriculture, arable land, geophysical survey, aeromagnetic survey, ancient viticulture and wine-making.
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