Crassus the Profit-Seeker: The Character of Crassus in Cicero’s Paradoxa Stoicorum

Lyubimova Olga V.

Cicero’s Paradoxa is chronologically the first source dealing with Crassus’s self-interest in detail. In this treatise Cicero accuses Crassus of a number of unseemly deeds performed for the sake of profit and creates an impression that all the political activity of the triumvir had no other end but profit. However, analyzing the accounts of the same facts in other sources (including Cicero’s) one can see that wealth was not Crassus’ end in itself, but a means of exercising political influence (the fact Cicero himself could not but realize). The sixth paradox was composed as an element of an imaginary invective against Crassus and became a basis for developing the image of Crassus the Profit-Seeker, which sometimes overshadows that of Crassus the Politician.

Keywords: Crassus, Cicero, Paradoxa stoicorum.
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