V. Ivanov and I.M. Grevs' Thesis on the History of Roman Landownership

Bongard-Levin Grigoriy M., Lyapustina Elena V.

Upon reading the manuscripts of Grevs' essays on Horace and Atticus, Ivanov (his "friend-teacher", as Grevs called him) made a number of important notes and remarks, some of which were taken into consideration by Grevs in his papers published first in the Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshchenija (Journal of the Ministry of Education, 1895-1896) and later in his book "Sketches on the History of Roman Land-Ownership" (1899), which he supported as a thesis for a master's degree in 1900. Analyzing this detailed critique and its discussion one can come to a better understanding of the individual talents of these two scholars and of the specific of the schools which moulded them as scholars: Ivanov as a philologist and expert in Roman law, and Grevs as a historian.