The Structure of Hsiung-Nu Empire

Kradin N. N.

The tribal confederation of Hsiung-nu was the first nomadic empire in Central Asia. It appeared on the border of the 3rd and the 2nd centuries BC. The main reason for its appearance was the necessity to resist the active expansion and acculturation from the south. Military and political talents of Maotun, the founder of the empire, were of great importance for its development. The nomadic empire of Hsiung-nu was a tribal one. It was a tribal confederation in the sphere if internal relations and a "xenocratic" nomadic conqueror-state in respect of any other ethnos. Every pastoral nomad (a chief, a follower, an ordinary pastoral nomad) was involved in social structures, i.e. in a genealogical system, where tribes and clans were unequal. At the same time every nomad was a warrior and had his own place in the «decimal» classification (ordinary, foreman, commander of a hundred, etc.). The balance of Shanyu's power was based upon his ability to organize military campaigns and upon redistribution of incomes from trade operations and raids on settled lands. Granting gifts to his to his citizens he obtained a monopoly on exercising home and foreign policy. Hsiung-nu managed to carry out successful frontier strategy towards China. At the first stage (200-133 BC) Hsiund-nu practiced «long-distance» exploitation (occasional raids on China, extorting gifts and then establishing peaceful trade). The second stage (129-71 BC) was a period of an active Chinese expansion upon Hsiung-nu. Both sides suffered from the war, and there was no winner. The third stage is (56 BC - 9 AD) was a period of civil war in the steppe, peaceful co-existence with China and extorting "gifts" from it. The fourth stage (9-48 AD) is similar to the first one. For 250 years China was not able to cope with the Hsiung-nu problem. The nomadic empire of Hsiung-nu collapsed as a result of an ecological catastrophe of 44-46 SD, excessive growth of the elite and its struggle for power.