New Books on the History of Roman Postclassical Law (A.M. Honoré. Law in the Crisis of Empire, 379–455 AD: the Theodosian Dynasty and its Quaestors. Oxf., 1998; J . Harries. Law and Empire in Late Antiquity. Cambr., 1999; J .F. Matthews. Laying down)

Silvestrova Elena V.

Новые книги по истории позднеклассического римского права. A.M. Honoré. Law in the Crisis of Empire, 379–455 AD: the Theodosian Dynasty and its Quaestors. Oxf., 1998; J . Harries. Law and Empire in Late Antiquity. Cambr., 1999; J .F. Matthews. Laying down the Law. A Study of the Theodosian Code. New Haven–London, 2000