Two Traditions on the Origin of the Fifth Dynasty in Egypt

Bogdanov Ivan V.

The author reconsiders the legendary traditions on the origins of the 5th dynasty in the evidence of the Papyrus Westcar and Manetho. Papyrus Westcar reflects the historical information about King Snofru as the founder of admistrative and territorial unity of the residence. The town of Sakhebu, the birthplace of the kings of the 5th dynasty, was situated beyond the northern border of the residence (in Letipolite nome, where a temple of Snofru was located); and its most southern point was a pyramid town of Snofru at Medum, where magician Djedy resided. The evidence of the Annals of the 5th dynasty on the «finding of the house in Elephantine» can hardly be used to support the Manethonian tradition on the 5th dynasty.