A Hoard of Seleucid Bronze Coins from Southern Dagestan

Zakharov Evgeniy V., Smirnov Svyatoslav V.

The paper presents a hoard of 46 Seleucid bronze coins found in 2021 in the south of the Republic of Dagestan (Russia). The core of this complex consists of 43 bronze coins of Antiochus IV, minted at Antioch on the Orontes. All of them belong to the so-called ‘Egyptianizing’ series, produced in the period from autumn 169 to autumn 168 BC. In addition to these coins, the hoard includes two coins of Antiochus IV from Seleucia on the Tigris. A unique feature of this hoard is the presence of a coin of Seleucid usurper Timarchos, probably issued in 162–160 BC. Most likely, the hoard was formed outside of Caucasian Albania and reflects the composition of the coin circulation in the eastern regions of the Seleucid kingdom in the second half of the second century BC.

Keywords: Seleucids, numismatics, Hellenism, coin hoard, Dagestan

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