Ceramics from the Khor Daoud Archaeological Complex (Egypt) in the Collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts: New Data

Krol Alexey A., Malykh Svetlana E., Kostyukevich Yury I.

The article publishes and analyzes six pottery vessels found by the Nubian Expedition of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1962 at the site of Khor Daoud (Southern Egypt) and subsequently transferred under the agreement with the Egyptian government to the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow. Four jars are Egyptian in shape and are typical for the Naqada culture; the other two can be characterized as Nubian; the dating of this group of pottery fits into the interval of Naqada IIB–IIIA (3600–3200 BC). Taking into account the nature of finds in Khor Daoud, which is located within the area of the Nubian AGroups Culture, the site should be interpreted as a trading post where goods from Egypt, the region of the middle reaches of the Nile and the Nubian Desert were exchanged.

Keywords: Ancient Egypt, Ancient Sudan, Nubia, Khor Daoud, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Nubian Expedition of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, natural science methods in archaeology

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