Ancient and Byzantine Coins from the N. K. Minko’s Collection (State Historical Museum of the Southern Urals). Part II. Bosporus, Late Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire

Abramzon Mikhail G., Pankratova E. G., Treister Mikhail Yu., Petrova Elena V.

This is a continuation of the publication of ancient and Byzantine coins from the collection of the well-known Chelyabinsk archaeologist Nikolay Minko (1880–1920), stored in the State Historical Museum of the Southern Urals (Chelyabinsk). This significant museum collection (more than 850 coins, mostly silver) has not been previously published. The article presents 53 coins of the Bosporan Kingdom, the Late Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire, as well as a glass gem found by N. Minko in Crimea. Of particular interest is the unique hoard of silver coins of Alexius Ι Comnenus. All these coins were collected by N. Minko in Feodosia and Sevastopol, in the area of which the archaeologist conducted excavations in 1909–1911.This material expands the corpus of ancient and Byzantine coins in the collections of Russian museums.

Keywords: Greek and Roman coins, Byzantine coins, N. K. Minko (1880–1920), numismatic collections of Russian museums, Bosporan kingdom, Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire

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