Ancient Coins from the N.K. Minko’s Collection (State Historical Museum of the Southern Urals). Part I. Asia and Egypt

Abramzon Mikhail G., Zakharov Evgeniy V., Nikitin A. B., Smirnov Svyatoslav V.

This is the first publication of ancient coins from the collection of the Chelyabinsk archaeologist Nikolay K. Minko (1880–1920), stored in the State Historical Museum of the Southern Urals (Chelyabinsk). This significant collection of coins (854 pieces), mostly of silver, has not been previously investigated. Forty-nine eastern Greek coins in Minko’s collection are of particular interest, including the coinages of centers of Asia Minor, the Seleucids, Arsacids (Parthian and Elymaean), Sasanians, Ptolemies, as well as the Roman provinces of Syria and Egypt. This material expands the corpus of Seleucid, Ptolemaic, Parthian, Elymaean, and other Greek coins in the collections of Russian museums.

Keywords: ancient Greek coins, N.K. Minko (1880–1920), numismatic collections of Russian museums, Asia Minor, Seleucids, Arsacids, Parthia, Elymais, Sasanians, Ptolemies

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