Disciplina Etrusca and the Development of the Roman Orthogonal Land Surveying

Kirillova Maria N.

According to Roman land surveyors, the history of the most common system of Roman orthogonal surveying – limitatio – goes back to the disciplina Etrusca, a complex of Etruscan rituals. There is no consensus among specialists regarding the degree of Etruscan influence on Roman surveying practice, since the Etruscan achievements in orthogonal surveying are scarcely known and the orthogonal plans of the Greek colonies in Southern Italy are much more famous. Archaeological evidence, and in particular, the study of the Etruscan colony in Marzabotto, show that there are traces of orthogonal surveying on the territory of the Etruscan cities. The organization of these settlements is close to the Greek cities with orthogonal surveying; however, there are also some features, which can be explained by the influence of disciplina Etrusca. Some of them (the apparent orientation of the main roads of the settlement to the cardinal points, the presence of special signs at the roads’ intersection) were also important for the imperial surveyors, even though they recognized a need to take into account the features of landscape and other practical considerations. The earliest traces of Roman land surveys, close to limitatio, date back to the third century BC. It can be explained by a closer knowledge of the disciplina Etrusca, which became possible after the conquest of the main Etruscan religious centers

Keywords: Roman land surveying, limitatio, the Etruscans, disciplina Etrusca, Marzabotto

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