A Hoard of the First–Second Centuries AD Bosporan Sestertii from the Right-Bank of the Kuban (2021)

Abramzon Mikhail G., Ostapenko Sergey N., Surkov Aleksey V.

During the archaeological excavations at the ancient settlement of Korzhevsky 6 (Slavyansk District of the Krasnodar Territory) in 2021, a hoard of the first- and second century AD Bosporan bronze coins was found. Fifty-eight coins were hidden in a cache under the large fragments of amphorae walls, divided into two parts: 20 pieces were in a small molded pot, on the top of which there was a roll or purse with 38 coins. All coins are of the same denomination, the sestertii. They are minted on behalf of four Bosporan kings: Rhescuporis ΙΙ (4), Sauromates I (36), Cotys II (7) and Rhoemetalces (11). The hoard was concealed during the Rhoemetalces’ reign, between AD 131/132 and 153/154. The rare assemblage provides new valuable evidence for the Bosporan currency and historical background in the mid-second century AD.

Keywords: Bosporan kingdom, first and second centuries AD, coin hoards, currency, Rhescuporis ΙΙ, Sauromates I, Cotys II, Rhoemetalces

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