Nomadic Burial with a Pack Flask from South Urals

Sirotin Sergey V.

The article presents an inlet burial of the early nomadic period from the South Urals, in which a red clay transport flask was found. Finds of transport flasks in the burial complexes of the nomads of the South Urals are rare and originate from the burials of the nomadic elite. This burial is located in the southeastern part of the burial mound in a niche grave. In addition to the ceramic flask, an iron sword, bronze arrowheads and other items were found in the burial. The materials of the burial mound belong to the range of Filippovka-type burial structures with a characteristic burial rite and sets of goods. The date of the complex is the last third of the fourth – the turn of the fourth–third centuries BC.

Keywords: South Urals, nomads, early Sarmatians, pottery, transport flasks, burial rite

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