A Hoard of Bronze Coins from the Age of Mithradates VI from Vyshesteblievskaya 3 Settlement on the Taman Peninsula

Abramzon Mikhail G., Karpov Dmitriy A., Kolesnikov A. B.

During the excavations at Vyshesteblievskaya 3 Settlement (the Taman peninsula) in 2018, a small hoard of bronze coins from the age of Mithridates VI was found. It consisted of 18 anonymous Bosporan obols, and tetrachalkoi of Phanagoria (1), Amisus (1), and Sinope (3). The authors argue that the assemblage must have been the purse of a mercenary who served in one of the royal garrisons stationed in the chora to protect grain-producing areas. This rare find of a purse with copper Bosporan and Pontic large-denomination coins provides important new evidence on the monetary circulation in the Bosporus and the historical context of the age of the Mithridatic Wars.

Keywords: Cimmerian Bosporus, Mithradates VI Eupator, coin hoards, currency, mercenary’s salary

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