A Problem in the Interpretation of the Paintings at Fayaztepa in Northern Bactria: The Character in a “Two-Horned Crown”

Abdullaev Kazim

The article is devoted to the iconographic analysis of the image of a character in a headwear, which was previously taken for a “two-horned helmet” or “two-horned crown”. The article analyses the design features of the turban headwear and its place in the Buddhist iconography of Bactria and Gandhara. Aspects of the Buddhist art of Northern Bactria and disputable questions of the alleged influence of the Sasanian pictorial complex are touched upon. The article provides a brief discussion of the historical context and a chronology of Fayaztepa paintings.

Keywords: Bactria, Gandhara, Fayaztepa, Buddhist iconography, wall painting, turban

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