Second Aequipondium from Roman Balance Scales from Eklizi-Burun Sanctuary (Mountain Crimea)

Lysenko Alexandr V., Mordvintseva Valentina I.

The article is devoted to the publication of a movable weight in the shape of a male bust from the Roman steelyard. It is the second find of such item in the sanctuary of Eklizi-Burun (Southern part of the Mountain Crimea). The offering of objects belonging to an alien culture through their deliberate damage was one of the main ritual practices there. The discovery of two practically intact weights from the Roman balance scales at the sanctuary suggests that both weights were acquired by worshippers at the sanctuary together with the balance scales, which were then destroyed and offered as dedication. It is possible that the balance scales came from the ships which in 49 AD, during the Roman-Bosporan War, transported Romans troops along the Crimean coast from the Bosporus to the west, and were beached by a storm on the “coast of the Tauri” and there plundered by local barbarians, who then brought the trophies to the sanctuary.

Keywords: North Pontic region, South Taurica, sanctuary, Roman steelyard, aequipondium

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