Notes on an Ostracon from Northwestern Crimea

Makarov Igor A.

The inscription under discussion was published in 2013 by S.R. Tokhtasiev who explained it as a list of Iranian names made by a merchant or a craftsman who enumerated his customers and some items with their prices or quantities. Several corrections and comments were proposed after his edition (SEG 63, 570). Nevertheless, the last line (l. 6) of the graffito has not received any satisfactory interpretation. The editor princeps read the line, without translation, as follows: καθρυπι(?)ον κτενω[- - -]. In the republication of this inscription S.Yu. Saprykin corrected the line to: κα<ὶ> θρύπτον κτενώ|δης, but his translations of the participle θρύπτον (“breaking in pieces”) as “combing” and of the adjective κτενώδης (“like a comb”) as “a comb” is grammatically wrong. Moreover, the decipherment of the tree last letters of the proposed form κτενώδης cannot be confirmed by the comparison with the photograph of this ostracon. The present paper discusses a number of new readings. In particular it deals with the interpretation of the last line, which is crucial for the correct understanding of the graffito.

Keywords: Northern Black Sea region, Greek epigraphy, Northwestern Crimea, Late Scythians, Chaika settlement, graffiti, chrysolite, mirror

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