On the Origin of the Early Christian Paintings in Chersonesos Tombs

Zavadskaya Irina A.

The decorative programs of eleven painted tombs of Chersonesos (south-west Crimea), which include mainly floral-plant motifs, images of birds, imitation marble facings and in several tombs also a Christogram and a human figure, correspond to the iconography of early Christian funerary paintings of the Late Roman Empire. They date back to the last quarter of fourth century or the beginning of the fifth century AD. The article revises the traditional concept of the Syro-Palestinian origins of Chersonesos paintings. Based on their style, the specifics of the artistic repertoire, compositional features and the decorative system as a whole, the author concludes that the closest parallels to the Chersonesos monuments can be found in the eastern Balkan provinces of Thrace and Dacia and in the Western Asia Minor. Some features inherent in the Chersonesos paintings allow us to consider them as a local Chersonesos variant of the provincial East Balkan and West Asia Minor Late Antique funerary painting.

Keywords: Chersonesos, painted tombs, early Christian funerary paintings, Thrace, Asia Minor

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