Was Aurelius Viator a Soldier?

Kostromichyov Daniil А.

The article is devoted to three tombstones from the excavations of Chersonesus in Taurica. Two gravestones preserved the names of the buried persons: Aurelius Viator and Sabinus; the third is nameless. The portraits of the buried are carved on the monuments. Each of them holds a bird in his hands. Judging by numerous analogies, birds were a common attribute of children’s funeral portraits in antiquity and became a symbolic indication of childhood, as they were common pets. Keeping and caring for pets was an important part of education and a favorite pastime for children in the Roman Empire.

Keywords: Chersonesus in Tauris, tombstone, Aurelius Viator, Sabinus, portrait, children, birds, soldier’s clothes, everyday life

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