Two Fragments of the Third-Century AD Court Proceedings from Memphis (P. Berl. Bibl. 29v and P. Petersb. 11v)

Chepel Elena Yu.

The article presents the editio princeps of a papyrus fragment held at the Russian National Library that contains a fragment of court proceedings from Roman Memphis. The author has discovered that this papyrus belongs to the same document as a previously published papyrus from Berlin State Library. A new edition of the Berlin fragment is also presented in the article. Both fragments belong to the so-called ‘Archive of Memphite official’. The edition includes an analysis of the provenance of the papyri and the history of their study in the context of papyrological scholarship and ancient history studies in Russia in the 19 th –20th centuries, a palaeographical description, a discussion of the dating, transcription of the Greek text accompanied by critical apparatus, translation into Russian and line-to-line commentary.

Keywords: Roman Egypt, archive of Memphite official, Memphis, court proceedings, Greek papyrology in Russia

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