Towards the Creation History of the “Corpus of the Bosporan Coins”

Abramzon Mikhail G., Tunkina Irina V.

The article reconstructs the history of the idea and preparation for publication of one of the last projects of M.I. Rostovtzeff (1870–1952) in Russia in the 1910s – the corpus of the Bosporan coins, which remained unpublished due to the emigration of the scholar. Five plates from the personal papers of M.I. Rostovtzeff which were acquired by the University of Trier (Germany) as part of the library and archive of his Yale pupil, American papyrologist J.F. Gilliam, are published and attributed for the first time.

Keywords: «Сorpus of the Bosporan Сoins», M.I. Rostovtzeff, archival materials

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