Graffiti and Dipinti from the Excavations of E.I. Levi and A.N. Karasev. 1. Public Ownership Graffiti

Bekhter Anastasia P., Ilyna Yu. I.

The article publishes eleven graffiti from the Olbian Agora, marking pottery owned by the polis (photographs of six of these objects were published by Yu.G. Vinogradov). On one of the vessels the word πόλεως̣ is written in full, on others it is represented by the abbreviations ΠΟ and ΠΟΛΕ. The collection includes ten imported black-glazed vessels of Attic production (the location of four of them is currently unknown, their description is based on archival photos) and a red ware glazed fish dish, supposedly of local production. Based on the archaeological context, the typology of pottery and paleography, the graffiti can be dated to the first half of the fifth century BCE.

Keywords: Greek epigraphy, Olbia Pontica, Olbian Agora, public ownership graffiti, E.I. Levi, A.N. Karasev, Ju.G. Vunogradov

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