A Hoard of the 2nd–3rd Cent. AD Bosporan Gold Staters from Volna 1 Settlement on the Taman Peninsula

Abramzon Mikhail G., Bezuglov Sergey I., Gunchina Olga L., Ustaeva Elmira R.

During the excavations at Volna 1 Settlement (the Taman Peninsula) in 2013 and 2014 a large hoard of the second and third centuries AD Bosporan gold staters was found in the ruins revealed in the central area of the settlement (Site X). The assemblage includes 109 staters of two Bosporan kings: Eupator (1 specimen) and Sauromates II (108 specimens). The latest coin in the hoard is the stater of the year 502 of the Bosporan era (= AD 205/206), providing the date for its concealment. The find joins a group of Bosporan gold (electrum) hoards deposited in the first third and the beginning of the second third of the third century AD, in the period characterized by the debasement of the stater and by military instability caused by the barbarian invasions and the campaigns of Bosporan kings against them. The unique homogeneous assemblage of Sauromates II’s staters is of exceptional interest for studying his gold coinage, and of the monetary, economic and military situation on the Bosporus at the beginning of the third century AD.

Keywords: Cimmerian Bosporus, Volna 1 Settlement, Sauromates II, coin hoards, gold coinage, currency

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